Jul 2nd, 2013
All artists, free spirits and other people in need of magic memories, need to visit AfrikaBurn.
Many a year ago, living in Canada, Burning Man was all the rage in the Nevada desert. I never made it there.
The theme last year was “Mirage”. My 75yr old adventurous father with his desert equipped Land cruiser, and Rene my friend joined me.
The “mirage” was to be these sexy legs sticking out of the Land cruiser, moving gently through the barren landscape.
Idea’s come to me very easily. How to turn them into reality, is always slightly more challenging. To the rescue came mother with her sewing skills, Frank Benade our ever so creative gardner/sculptor with the skilled wire bending hands.
The rest is history….
THIS year’s theme is Archetypes, so wait for what transpires after living in the magic of THAT!!!
Rix Wellmann